Chocolate Fat Moisture Sensor Inline

Inline Sensor for measuring the water content/moisture in the oil/fat in chocolate production.

Chocolate production is an art. For some manufacturers, controlling the amount of water/moisture in the fat/oil that is mixed in with the chocolate is an important factor in the development of the final chocolate product.

EESIFLO is a research and development company that also manufactures an inline moisture in fat sensor that can be installed in the back end of the chocolate manufacturing process to  significantly improve the quality control of the chocolate produced at the factory by accurately measuring the water content in the chocolate mixture (specifically the melted fat) so that operators can monitor the consistency of melted fat and oils for their moisture content in real time.

Some chocolate factories have have already adopted this chocolate fat moisture sensor technology because it allows them to check the consistency of moisture in their chocolate oil . With real-time monitoring alarms, they can respond quickly to any deviations in the production process, ultimately delivering better chocolate to their customers.


The pictures below show the HMI (Human Machine Interface) touch panel. It is capable of storing measurements/ data up to six devices over 1 month. An alarm can be triggered if any device reaches the set point and tower light will show 3 colour conditions i.e red for over range, yellow for maintenance period, green for normal operation. EESIFLO provides the system and support for these monitoring units and has successfully installed them in well known chocolate making factories.  

Moisture content in fat controller and monitoring using a PLC by EESIFLO.  The complete monitoring system is designed and delivered ready for use in a chocolate factory.

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