Dust Monitor Design

At our facilities in Kaki Bukit, we are not only supplying equipment but also troubleshooting with clients to try and find the best solution both technically and sometimes economically. Some solutions need to be engineered locally in Singapore, simply because the product or system the client needs does not exist in exactly the way the customer needs it.

Dust Monitors for measuring Dust at site facility in Singapore

This was the final product or should we say “products” combined to make a useful dust monitoring systems for outdoors.

This dust monitoring system had to be powered using solar panels (which the client preferred)


A datalogger was installed so that the dust readings could be downloaded every few days. The readings seemed to be important as proof that all was going well on site.


The triboelectric sensor we used was important for this application because it can be easily cleaned by the customer. In fact, all you need to do is wipe it if the dust, haze or grease has somehow compromised the sensor. This is one of the simplest technologies where an electrical signal is interfered with because of dust. Having said that, sometimes simplest does the job

We had to get it working well first in our workshop in Singapore. Testing the dust monitoring system before we sent it to the client was important. We allow the customer to come and visit and inspect the fabrication of the final dust sensor monitoring system well before permanent installation.

Just in case something happens in the future and parts need to be replaced, we put the design details of the hook up inside the cabinet and we prominently display it. This was of great benefit to the client because their dust monitoring equipment does not need a specialist to come and fix it if something goes wrong. All the necessary information needed to do simple maintenance is posted inside the cabinet main door.

Actually, quite some design work went into the dust monitoring system designed locally in Singapore by EES. This was not the first time we have designed a system. We have often been asked to do something which nobody else wanted to do, were too busy to do or were simply clueless to know where to begin.


After designing and fabricating the first dust monitoring systems, it became easier to build subsequent units. These dust monitors are monitoring events. They do not work like the typical sensor which is simply monitoring particle types PM 10 for example. These senors will measure dust in any form and report when an event has occurred e.g an accident where dust is blown everywhere or where bags containing dusty powders have been damaged and dust content increases suddenly. The sensors do not depend on visibility and do not use expensive optical devices which do not work when dirty. The triboelectric type sensors will continue to work in any condition.

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